Promises We Make

The service of Baptism involves quite a few promises which are made to God with the whole congregation as witnesses. These promises are briefly:
1. believing in God and following Jesus Christ
2. rejecting all evil
3. being involved in the life and faith of the Christian community

Parents and godparents both make same promises.
(Click 1)
"I promise to accept the responsibilities placed upon me in bringing this child for baptism."
"I am willing to answer on behalf of this child."
"By my own prayers and example, and by my friendship and love, I promise to encourage this child in the life and faith of the Christian community."

The important promise is the last one - the key word being "encourage". The promise is to encourage the child by:
(Click 2)
1. Praying for them
2. Setting good example
3. Remaining friends with them
4. Loving them.
A suitable prayer to say together with your child is The Lord's Prayer.

(Click 3)
The encouragement you give to your child should be in two areas:
1. The life of the Christian community (what we do together, particularly worship & RE in school),
2. The faith of the Christian community, ie, God as creator not mother nature, Jesus' birthday not just santa at Christmas, etc.

(Click 4)
"I turn to Christ."
"I repent of my sins."
"I reject selfish living, and all that is false and unjust."
"I will, by God's grace, strive to live as a disciple of Christ, loving God with my whole heart, and my neighbour as myself, until my life's end."

(Click 5)
These promises are made by parents & godparents for themselves as well as on behalf of the child, because you can't live one way & expect child to live another way.

(Click 6)
"I will, by God's grace, strive to live as a disciple of Christ, loving God with my whole heart, and my neighbour as myself, until my life's end."
The promise shows that the baptism commitment is for whole of life, like a marriage commitment. It incorporates the Two Great Commandments - to love God with your whole heart, and to love your neighbour as yourself.

(Click 7)
"I will, by God's grace, strive to live as a disciple of Christ, loving God with my whole heart, and my neighbour as myself, until my life's end."
To strive to do this is key - and to continue to try; all people make mistakes, but this promise is to keep on trying for all of your life.

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